What is a section 80 demolition notice?
Notification of intended demolition
If your considering demolishing an existing building you will need to submit a demolition, Section 80 Notice together with your (RAMS) to your local authority according to section 80 of the buildings Act 1984.
Your RAMS should include a demolition method statement, Risk Assessment, COSHH Assessment, comprehensive plan of the building and adjoining streets, and a list of occupiers adjacent to the building.
You will also need to notify service providers, including Gas, Water and Electricity. You must also have a Pre-demolition survey carried out on the building before you start any demolition activities.
On completion of the section 80 and the above you will normally have to wait 6 weeks before you commence demolition works. Your local authority then has approximately 6 weeks to respond to your section 80 demolition notification.
You should receive a counter notice within 6 weeks of receipt of the demolition notification from your local authority outlining any additional conditions that need to be met.
You need a notice for any demolition except for:
- when a demolition order is made under the Housing Act 1957
- the demolition of an internal part of an occupied building
- the demolition of a building with a volume of 50m3or less
The work should be supervised by someone with sufficient knowledge of the particular structure being dismantled and an understanding of the demolition method statement. For complex demolition projects, expert advice from structural engineers will be applicable.
All demolition works must be carried out so as to minimise, so far as is reasonable practicable, the risks to employees and others who may be affected by the activities. CDM 2015 regulations applies to all demolition work.
The HSE must be informed before work begins if the construction work, including demolition, is to last for 30 days and has 20 workers working simultaneously or more than 500 person days are involved Â

What is demolition?
The process involves Rotational hydraulic shears and rock-beakers attached to specialist excavators are also used to cut or break through wood, cut steel and crush concrete which reduces the structure to a rubbleÂ
What is a premature collapse?
Premature collapse of these structures is one of the main causes of serious injuries resulting from demolition activities. The most common type of incidents is the lack of planning before commencement
Demolition hazards
If a demolition project is well planned the risks of injury and death can be minimised. It should be emphasised that the planning and execution of a demolition project should only be done by appropriately competent persons.
What is a section 80 demolition notice?
If your considering demolishing an existing building you will need to submit a demolition, Section 80 Notice together with your (RAMS) to your local authority according to section 80Â
What is a pre-demolition survey
When a building is to be demolished the (non-domestic) client (usually the property owner) has a duty to provide pre-demolition information to the designer and contractor. This will involve a pre-demolition investigation and survey.Â
How to manage asbestos in demolition
One of the key issues arising in demolition these days is asbestos. Widely used in construction projects by previous generations, asbestos is now accepted as the UK’s largest occupational killer and there are strict guidelines for the safe removalÂ
House demolition in Manchester
Why let your house demolition efforts feel stressful. We have over 50 years experience in house demolition in Manchester, we are able to deliver a variety of demolition and development services throughout Greater Manchester.Â
What is manual demolition?
Among the methods, manual demolition is found to be most applicable for most sites, especially for areas located in the urban zone. The safety of the demolition process would greatly depend on the type of procedure used.
What is non-explosive demolition?
You do not need explosives for every demolition job. Most people assume that for a demolition to be a demolition there is a need for a kaboom. It does not have to be that way
Structural demolition
Structural demolition is not a walk in the park. Total Group is well placed to deliver a safe, environmentally friendly and a budget wise project. We focus on a process that will assist you to salvage and recycle material for reuse.
What is high risk demolition?
The building contractor needs to make a thorough risk assessment to look for both risks and hazards. Control measures are then implemented to prevent any accident that could be fatal.Â
Controlled demolition methods
If you have a large building that requires demolishing, you cannot rely solely on manual demolition to get the project completed. There is only so much that a team of demolition contractors.
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